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Your Driver trainer Joanne


Has lived on the Sunshine coast for over 35years, plenty of local road experience a mother of two independent  grown  young men 22 & 37 years.

I enjoy standup paddle boarding around our beautiful beaches.

I have for over the past 8 years felt the need to teach  local drivers of any level due to the coast becoming so busy, I learnt to drive in & grew  up in western suburbs Sydney. The Sunshine Coast is getting busy now with lots of interstate drivers you need your wits about you.


Teaching is a love job, I first taught my eldest son then step son, & youngest son.

I love assisting students to build their  confidence and star in their own success stories.

Beachside driving has developed from a need to keep young local drivers safe. Joanne was once a fearful young student she had a very anxious parent this set up a perception that driving was a difficult experience.


​Always recommending students read the Rulebook to know your rights and obligations on the road before driving on the  Sunshine coast roads. Joanne uses techniques that support learners to step forward in life. Students gain confidence in their abilities when learning how to drive, including long, wide and deep learning in preparation to build on road safety skills and practical techniques.


I am inspired by supporting students & parents to keep our statistics down.

When young adults learn that applying the rules keeps themselves and others safe then we all contribute to the safety of other road users.


Take your lessons with a Trainer who encourages long, wide and deep learning, supports drivers in self assessing  technique's, this assists parents and drivers to  create long or short term goals. With an Instructor  your 60mins on road driving equals 3 logbook hours.


When we face driving fears, we use a combination of techniques that assist the learners to deal with the unknown incorporating various driving scenarios.  Coping with situations that trigger emotions like accidents, bringing in mindfulness of other drivers and their decision making.

I bring 40 years of driving skills, I encourage self confidence and skills that will enhance the rest of a persons life. We all can refresh our road rules this helps young  parents or elderly drivers .


If you are upgrading to manual license, we can support you or your parents who  are busy, maybe the shared anxiousness is impacting both of  you!


Lets all support learners to bring out the most responsible driving skills in those preparing or ready for their Provisional license.

 Accredited Driver Trainer, bluecard compliant !


Why get a qualified driving Instructor?

To avoid dangerous arguments on the roads. Better equip your loved one to  face their P's Test with confidence, learn skills have a greater understanding  of what is expected Test Day, increase knowledge get long, wide and deep learning.  Read the Keys to Driving in Queensland rulebook, know your rights and obligations  download for FREE visit the TMR.QLD.GOV.AU.


Did you know stress and anxiousness from parents can transfer and interfere with a learners confidence, this can hinder the desire to continue learning to drive Parents can over help even when close to P's students need to gain Independence.


Joanne has been a local business woman, coming from the field of Remedial Massage and Intuitive Bodywork for over 24 years. Joanne draws on years of working with different personalities, cultures and she  carefully encourages and supports all styles of learners.



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